Being Beautiful
Take a look at them…one is a model, blessed with flawless features, a good education, a charming personality that can woo many hearts. The other is just an everyday face you will come across at some construction site or the other. Nothing out of the ordinary. But I bet you won’t believe me it if I tell you that both these women are beautiful. Why just women… I say Tom Cruise has perfection & beauty and so does Johnny Lever. I see you are smiling…
To me beauty has never been a superlative adjective. It is an intangible asset and hence it’s not easy to quantify it’s value. Clichéd yet necessary is the line-‘beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’. You think God would create something as ‘ugly’? But then why is it that some people are labelled beautiful and some people spend the rest of their lives trying to hide behind a false mask, pretending to be someone they are not so the world would categorize them under the ‘beautiful’ identifier?
We see people in the West visiting tanning parlours and people here spending lakhs per annum on facials & beauty creams. Someone curls their hair while another straightens it. You live on liquid to attain your dream of size zero while she gulps down everything edible to gain some weight. He visits the gym to have all the biceps and triceps to flaunt while another is busy trying to increase his height. Ironic, the grass always look greener on the other side.
So to all those ladies & gentlemen who spend their lives with “I wish I was like…” & “if only” ’s , I have news. I won’t give you lines like ‘beauty is only skin deep’. Of course not! Your appearance does matter, no one likes to see a shabbily dressed, unwashed person. And yet there is something that will even make such a person stand out-your face, your expression, the honesty in your thoughts.
Good news is- real beauty lies in your thoughts. Its as simple as that.
Outer looks are something God-gifted, which is not under our control. Yes we can take care of how we look but not all of us can be Aishwarya Rai’s or Hrithik Roushan’s. there is only a certain limit up to which you can mess with what you have got. But what about your thoughts? Your nature? Now THAT is something completely under your control. No I do not watch Aastha channel, hear me out.
The way you conduct yourself reflects in your persona-believe it or not. If you are this lying, conniving person or someone indulging in illegal activities or someone just plain evil, its bound to show in your face. Haven’t you noticed all the vamps in Ekta Kapoor soaps? No matter how much they dress up, how good looking they are, you can never call them beautiful, ‘coz she is the villain up to no good & you know it( no offence meant to the actors-it is because they are so talented that they fit right into the character :P)
If you think good of others, if you know where your heart is, if you follow your conscience, then the people around you will sub-consciously accept you as ‘beautiful’. Agreed first impressions are built on looks, but first impressions are not always the last. So the lady at the construction site may not have the perfect eyes or full pouting red lips, yet she is beautiful because here is a soul trying hard to make ends meet, to give a better life to her family, to be a good mother & wife.
So the next time you hesitate to help your Mom in the garden worried about spoiling your nails or getting tanned-remember each good deed adds a glow to your face & makes you ‘beautiful’, to yourself, to others & to Him.
Stay beautiful!
P.S: If you liked what I said do vote for me & 'like' my post in Facebook.This post is written for Yahoo & Dove's Real Beauty Contest

@Hardik:Glad u agreed bro!
@Sadiya: Thanks for appreciting :)
best wishes
Keep writing and take care :)
Someone is Special
Internal and External.
External one is skin deep and withers.
Internal one is difficult to reap and immortal.
Unfortunately most of us are tuned to look good on the outside and pay special/extra attention to those who look good on the outside.
If this wasnt the case, Himani and Unilever would have advertised about self-enhancing books than those stupid creams.
Anyone who says " I dont judge people by their looks" is simply lying, not pretentiously but unknowingly.