The Apparition
“What’s with her? Why does she hate you so much?” Seher
frowned at Gargi. “Don’t look at me, if I knew I’d have solved my problem way
back…she doesn’t do anything actually. She just keeps mouthing some words at
me. Am damn sure they are not sweet endearments though…”. Rohit who had been pacing up & down until then,
looked up. “Mouthing words? Why didn’t you tell me that before? Riya’s ghost
might be trying to tell you something” “What on earth could she be telling me?
She died in a freak accident. It’s not like someone murdered her & she’s
trying to lead us to the killer…right?” Gargi looked at Seher unsure. Seher
looked at Rohit for confirmation. “I dunno really…Riya was rich though. And the
only child of her parents. May be she was
murdered, you know…for the insurance money or something…” he grew excited. “Duh…
she spent half her fortune on her make up kit. I doubt anything was left in her
name anyway. My God, she had a huge collection. Chanel, Calvin Klein..” Gargi
went on with a far off look in her eyes. “Or, you remember Sahil? Her ex? He was
one psycho case…they had a pretty big fight too when they broke up…which was
like what a week before she died?” Seher joined in. All 3 sat deep in thought.
“I know!” Rohit finally spoke. “Let’s take a ride near her
house in your car. Riya only appears before you right? That’s ‘coz she trusted
you the most. So we ride along & wait for her to appear & then when she
speaks..” “She doesn’t talk..” Gargi interrupted, “just mouths some words I
can’t make head or tail of”. “Okay whatever it is she does, I’ll try to
decipher that, okay?” Rohit seemed pleased with his awesome idea.
The next day they drove around in circles around Riya’s
house. “She doesn’t seem too keen to appear today” Gargi mused. “Oh well, she
never really liked Rohit. Maybe his presence pissed him off” Seher giggled. “Ha
ha, very funny. It’s hardly dark yet…who knows..whoaaa…” Rohit nearly jumped
off his skin as Riya’s apparition appeared at the window. “Oh God this is
freaky…am not sure I can handle this”
“You have to help me out dude! You promised, don’t chicken
out now..”Gargi pleaded. “Look she is trying to tell us something” Seher
pointed. “What’s that…fail…? Sail…? Stop the car Gargi, she keeps moving &
disintegrating or whatever, I can’t make sense of it…”.
“Tail..?” Rohit tried again “Did she just roll her eyes at
you Rohit?” Seher was amused. Riya lifted her long arms, she seemed to be
pointing at her finger. “Nail…?” Rohit finally got it.
“Oh my God…I get it now” Gargi whimpered. “That b$%ch’s come
back from the grave to ask me to return the nail polish I’d borrowed from
her?!” And the apparition did something that looked like a very disturbing
scary smile…
This was a very poor attempt at writing a story for BlogAdda's WOW topic : To spin a story with the 3 words-rear view mirror, awesome & nail polish.